Concurrent Education Sessions
Learn more about our Keynote Speaker, Dr. Crystal Kuykendall
School leaders should expect an engaging day of networking, engagements, and hands on learning through numerous sessions planned for the day. The following concurrent sessions are planned.
Check back as we continue to update the information.
10: 15 a.m. - Concurrent Education Sessions
Fleming County DEIB Journey
Dr. Brian Creasman, Fleming Co. superintendent, and his leadership team will share the district's journey to design and implement DEIB initiatives at all levels if the school community.
Presented by: Brian Creasman, Ed.D., Superintendent, Fleming Co. Schools
Nunn Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
The Road to Academic Equity is Paved with Data and Instructional Practices
Districts all over the nation are wrestling with the clear and present danger of inequities in our educational system. The grade level access gap is very real. Many talented teachers and educational leaders have realized that the goal of equity requires honest insight into the current content knowledge of students, increased bias awareness, and a sincere shift in instructional practices. In this workshop, participants will explore the power of student discourse as an equity tool within the classroom. We will review the combinations of data that lead to targeted teacher actions. Attendees will experience a well-structured discourse-based routine for their math classes which will elevate the level of student discourse while increasing access to grade level content. This will be practical, transformative, inspirational, and fun!
Presented by: Ty Holmes, Chief Inclusion Officer, Curriculum Associates
Breathitt Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
Facilitating Courageous Conversations
Examining topics like gender identity, race, sexual orientation, and class can raise anxiety for many people, and yet we must have the conversation in our schools and our lives to be more inclusive and change the world for the better. What are the fears and common pitfalls that keep us from broaching courageous conversations? Gain practical skills for responding to hurtful experiences and facilitating courageous conversations.
Presented by: Roger Cleveland, Ed.D., Professor, Eastern Kentucky University, College of Education
Comb Chandler, 2nd Floor, East Tower
Rights of Transgender Students
This session will review current caselaw and best practices for supporting our students who are transitioning or transitioned.
Presented by: Shelley Chatfield, Chief Legal Officer, Fayette Co. Schools
Willis Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
Student Equity Advisory Council
DEIB through the student lens as well as setting up a SEAC.
Presented by: Shonda Hollowell Burrus, Chief Equity Officer, Paducah Ind. Schools
Clements Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
12:15 p.m. - Concurrent Education Sessions 2
Building a DEIB Infrastructure
Many schools and districts have a desire to address Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging to support students and staff but do not have the infrastructure to sustain the work. This session will provide educators a blueprint and specific strategies to support DEIB in a systematic way.
Presented by: Roger Cleveland, Ed.D., Professor, Eastern Kentucky University, College of Education
Combs Chandler, 2nd Floor, East Tower
What I Want School and District Leaders to Know About My Family
Hear from a panel of parents about their experiences and recommendations for school and district leaders to help make schools more inclusive in the area of religion in order to foster a greater sense of belonging for all children and families.
Presented by: Jill Angelucci, Assistant Principal, Fayette Co. Schools and Mr. Jaziel Guerra, Director of Facilities, Mercer Co. Schools
Nunn Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
Cultivating Opportunity- The Power of Courage and Connection
I can define diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and discuss ways educators can make these concepts meaningful priorities at their schools. Lean strategies to support traditionally underrepresented students, and
recognize strategies to enable a multi-tiered system of support with DEIB at the center.
Presented by: Damien Sweeny, Ed.D. Director of DEIB, KDE; Thomas Woods-Tucker, PhD., Deputy Commissioner and Chief Equity Officer, KDE; Florence Chang, Ed.D., Strategic Analyst of Learning, KDE; Nicole Fields, Ed.D., Community Engagement Coordinator, KDE
Breathitt Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
Keeping it Simple: Integrating SEL, Restorative Practices, PBIS, DEIB and KY Academic Standards to Improve Student Outcomes
From acknowledgements to root-cause analysis of disproportionality and behavior trends, learn how secondary schools create sustainable practices. Real life secondary examples will be presented to review data-based decision making, create action plans, integrate restorative practices as alternatives to suspension and change the conversation to improve safety, support and student achievement.
Presented by: Mackenzie Leachman, Ragan Knuckles, Mark Sellers, Fayette Co. Schools
Willis Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
Student Equity Advisory Council
DEIB through the student lens as well as setting up a SEAC.
Presented by: Shonda Hollowell Burrus, Chief Equity Officer, Paducah Ind. Schools
Clements Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
Beyond Reflection - How Project-based Learning Can Create Belonging, Inclusion and Relevance
This session is all about putting DEIB into action! Using a project-based learning framework from Rock by Rock that has been successful all over the country, participants will identify current bright spots and opportunities in their current DEIB practices. They will also plan strategies to implement RIGHT now to increase DEIB practices in their schools and districts
Presented by: Lindsey Freeman, and Sung Ae Yang, Rock by Rock
Cochran Room, 3rd Floor, West Tower
1:15 p.m. - Concurrent Education Sessions 3
Intro to DEIB to Community Shareholders
Participants will explore best practices that support building cultural humility, trust and mutually respectful relationships with diverse communities. We will engage in discussion that will assist in understanding the cultures of diverse communities and intentionally implement strategies to collaborate with families, organizations and agencies.
Presented by: Roger Cleveland, Ed.D., Professor, Eastern Kentucky University, College of Education, and Miranda Scully, Director of Family & Community Engagement, Fayette County Public School
Combs Chandler Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
Recruiting Retaining Teachers While Building a Culture of Excellence in a High Minority/Low Socioeconomic School
Schools today struggle to recruit and retain minority teachers and often fail to support and nurture the teachers currently in their schools. Learn about how we built an in-house sustainable system to hire, support and maintain quality teachers with a string support system to guide them along the way.
Presented by: Gregory Ross, Ed.D., Superintendent, Danville Ind. Schools
Nunn Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
All Inclusive, Not Model-Inclusive: Approaches and Frameworks to Increase Equities in Multicultural and Multilingual Students
This collaborative session is based on real-life scenarios that will address individual and systemic challenges. You will brainstorm practical solutions and frameworks in small groups with your colleagues.
Presented by: Basel Touchan, Ed.D., DEIB Specialist, Fayette County Schools
Breathitt Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
KDE Equity Playbook and the Equity Dashboard
I can explore the KDE Equity Playbook initiative, pillars, and Problem of Practice focus. Identify behaviors to support the KDE DEIB Beliefs and Call to Action. Develop an understanding of e2L's eGrowe coaching process. Experience a simulated coaching session and identify benefits and connections to equity pillars.
Presented by: Damien Sweeny, Ed.D., Director of DEIB, KDE; Thomas Woods-Tucker, Ph.D., Deputy Commissioner and Chief Equity Officer, KDE; Florence Chang, Ed.D., Strategic Analyst of Learning, KDE; Nicole Fields, Ed.D., Community Engagement Coordinator, KDE
Willis Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower
Developing Your Personalized Equity Evolution
This session provides engaging activities that will guide an individual's path of developing their Equity IQ facilitated by different phases of The Equity Evolution. Participants will L-Learn about their personal perspectives of equity; E-Explore equity through a different lens and engage the perspective of others; A-Apply exemplary leadership traits to decision-making grounded in equity; D-Develop an action plan with steps to LEAD through the lens of equity.
Presented by: Soraya Matthews, Ed.D., Chief DEIB Officer, Fayette Co. Schools
Clements Room, 2nd Floor, East Tower