FREE Professional Development Webinars for Members
Take advantage of the 6 free hours of professional development offered to KASA members. 

Upcoming Webinar on Feb. 7 :

Personnel Essentials

Date: February 7
With the advent of school choice, funding uncertainty, staffing issues created by COVID, and unprecedented levels of attrition, local school leaders are faced with daunting decisions regarding staffing for the 2024-25 school year. Compliance with statutory requirements for personnel and salary decisions is more critical than ever before.

This three-hour web-based workshop will walk participants through the statutory framework for making personnel decisions for the upcoming school year. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to submit questions and issues for real-time response.

Future FREE Webinars:

KASA/KASBO Finance Session
Date: July 23
The Kentucky Association of School Administrators (KASA) and the Kentucky Association of School Business Officials (KASBO) are teaming up again to provide a session before KASA's Annual Leadership Institute. This seminar will provide pertinent information for school leaders.

Approaching the Finish Line: Financial Planning Two Years Before Retirement
Date: TBD
Join us in discussing the steps you should take now to plan for your retirement. This workshop will help you answer the following questions:
• Am I financially ready to retire?
• When and how should I take state retirement and Social Security benefits?
• Where and how should I invest my retirement savings (annuities versus mutual funds; stocks versus fixed income; annuities versus mutual funds and more)?

Avoid Common Mistakes in Negotiating Contracts and Planning for Retirement
Date: TBD
What are common mistakes that superintendents make in negotiating contracts and planning for retirement? Let’s review those mistakes in five key areas and identify how to avoid them: negotiating your contract; deciding how much to contribute to supplemental retirement accounts; allocating your retirement savings; electing your TRS and, if applicable, Social Security benefits; and making connections among seemingly independent financial decisions.

Financial Planning Rules of Thumb: Junk or Treasure for Educators?
Date: TBD
Many financial planning rules of thumb are junk if they are not modified based on your specific retirement benefits, assets, debts, and goals. We will dive into multiple rules of thumb including the following:
• 100 minus your age for asset allocation
• 25x your planned annual spending in investment assets by the time you retire
• Plan on projected annual retirement expenses of 75% of current expenditures have 3 to 6 months in an emergency fund
Learn how to modify these common rules of thumb to account for the retirement benefits you will receive as well as other aspects of your specific financial picture. 

How Specifically Should I Allocate My Retirement Savings
Date: TBD
Many times, superintendents make a series of decisions regarding where and how to invest their retirement savings without much thought and without reassessing those decisions as circumstances change. How should I choose from investment providers and investment options available within my division? What proportion of my investments should be in stocks versus bonds? How do I choose between annuities and mutual funds, between Roth and traditional accounts, and between 403(b) and 457 accounts? Learn the criteria to consider in answering these questions and leave with specific action steps. 

Regional Meetings
Dates: TBD
KASA staff and regional directors are currently planning regional forums across the state. These sessions promise to be jam-packed with insights, laughter and camaraderie! Don't miss out in this opportunity to energize your educational journey.

Best of all? It won't cost you a dime! That's right - this information-rich opportunity is absolutely FREE! Plus, snag 1 hour of EILA credit to boost your credentials

Registration to Open Soon
for KASA/KASBO Finance

July 23, 2025

Cost: TBD

1 hour of EILA credit per session

For questions regarding your registration, please contact the KASA office (800) 928-5272