Here's your opportunity to get your products/services in front of Kentucky's superintendents!!

Each year, KASA publishes a pictorial directory of Kentucky school superintendents. This directory is distributed to every superintendent in the state and is a tool they use throughout the year. The directory serves as a “one-stop” resource for information on every superintendent in Kentucky and is available exclusively to superintendents, corporate members and business partners purchasing an ad in the directory.  (Note: If you purchase an ad, you will receive a complimentary copy.)

Ad spaces available:

  • Back Cover (full color ad) - $1,999
  • Full Page (full color) - $1,299
  • Full Page (black and white) - $849
  • Half Page (black and white) – 449
  • Quarter Page (black and white) - $249


Ad dimensions are as follows:
Full Page - 7.5" wide by 10" tall
Half Page - 7.5" wide by 5" tall (horizontal)
Quarter Page - 3.75" wide by 5" tall (vertical)


If you would like to place an ad in the 2022-23 directory of school superintendents, please complete this form and send to To be placed in this year’s edition, ads and payment must be received by September 15.