America is on the cusp of an educational crisis, and Kentucky is suffering. Educators are cascading out of the profession at an alarming rate, and the pipeline of aspiring teachers is running dry. At current rates, public and private schools will be forced to increase class sizes, sacrifice educator quality, and eventually, catapult the profession, and our future, into a free fall.

We cannot afford to "wait and see." Kentuckians need us to start the work now. KASA's Coalition to Sustain the Education Profession is the foundational step of that work.

Convene a group of experts and thought-leaders to study the current and impending educator workforce crisis and provide, data-driven recommendations for public, private, and government entities to implement.

The education profession will become a desirable career option for current and future teachers through public and private policy decisions, a public relations campaign will help recruit quality candidates to the field, and continuing research on the impact and implementation of key policy changes will guide America's transition away from the educator workforce cliff.

How Will It Work?
The Coalition is driven by a steering committee comprised of approximately 20 individuals in leadership positions from key economic and political entities in the commonwealth. Membership includes the Lt. Governor, members of legislative leadership or education committee chairs, the Commissioner of Education, President of the Council on Post-Secondary Education, leaders of major Kentucky corporate entities, Kentucky agriculture leaders, Kentucky labor leaders, education leaders and classroom teachers.

Work groups have been formed with experts from across Kentucky and the nation to dive into existing data, research, and possible solutions on key aspects of the issue, including but not limited to compensation, working conditions, career advancement opportunities, and more.

The Coalition is envisioned as a nonpartisan group whose recommendations will carry the weight of the important Kentucky entities its membership represents. The Coalition will make recommendations to the General Assembly and other entities, designed to help sustain the teaching profession in Kentucky, and may retain academics or consultants to review and present data relevant to these recommendations. The Coalition's recommendations are expected to fall into two main categories:

1. How to retain current teachers
2. How to attract new teachers into the profession

The Coalition will initiate a public relations campaign geared primarily to these recommendations on attracting people to the profession.

Resources For Implementation
KASA is committed to funding the work of this coalition in its initial stages. As the work develops, KASA will seek assistance from the state and other entities to help underwrite the work as it develops. In addition, KASA will continue to provide resources and funds as it is able for the duration of the work.

The Ask
We need your buy-in, your influence, and your voice. Connections you can broker with corporate partners will be critical. We will also need your support of the Coalition, your participation in guiding the work, and your expertise in moving us in the right direction. Will you join us?
Coalition 2024 Recommendations Report
This report contains 17 recommendations submitted by the various task forces that comprise the Coalition to Sustain the Education Profession. If implemented, all the individual recommendations will have a salutary effect on the recruitment and retention of high-quality classroom teachers in a variety of ways. Some, such as pay increases, will make the profession more attractive among the various career options available to talented individuals. In all, these recommendations address streamlining and simplifying the process of entry into the education profession which at present is overly complicated and confusing.
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Priority Requests of the General Assembly

Keith Davis, Coordinator
David Meinschein, Co-Chair
Terrie Morgan, Co-Chair
Bob Rowland, Director of Government Affairs
Rhonda Caldwell, Executive Director