Take a look at some of the PFAD visits:  2021    2022    
What is the Principal for a Day Program?
During the 2021 legislative session, House Concurrent Resolution 25 was enacted with no dissenting votes to declare the General Assembly's support for civic education, declare the third week in September as the kick-off week for America's Legislators Back to School Program, and encourage members to participate in the “Principal for a Day” (PFAD) program. 

The PFAD program is designed to give legislators a first-hand look at what is going on in Kentucky schools and to build stronger partnerships between legislators and public education. To get the most out of this program and see what really goes on during a school day, we hope they can spend as much time as possible as PFAD. The PFAD program is not meant to be just a normal school visit, but rather to see how things really work and what administrators deal with daily.
    Watch video to hear from Principal, Amy Rhodes (Pike Co.) to learn more about Principal for a Day. 
Who Can Participate
Although the resolution was passed by state legislators in the Kentucky General Assembly, any locally elected official is welcome to participate. (i.e., state/federal legislators, mayors, county judges, supreme court justices, etc.)    
"The Principal for a Day program was designed to give legislators a first-hand look at what is going on in Kentucky schools and to build stronger partnerships between legislators and public education," said Representative Steve Riley. "We want the PFAD program to be a meaningful experience for legislators to experience the challenges and sometimes difficult responsibilities of school leadership."  

PFAD Toolkit Items
Overview of the Program
Sample Invitation to Elected Officials
Sample Confirmation Letter to use once date is set
Ideas for Engaging Legislators During Visit
Sample Schedule for the Day
Sample Letter to School Staff Explaining PFAD
Sample News Release

Contact Your Legislators

Follow-Up After PFAD Visit
Once your visits are scheduled, please share the information with KASA so that we may collect data on the program. You can easily share the information with us at this link or email Taylor McCane