KASA's Top Priorities for the 2022 Legislative Session
Download KASA's 2022 Legislative Priorities document
KASA commits to a partnership with the General Assembly, and with all those who would continue to make the education of Kentucky’s citizens their highest priority, in order to assure them a place in the world economy and the marketplace of ideas. To that end, we propose the following as our Legislative Priorities for the 2022 session of the Kentucky General Assembly:
Adequate Funding
Research shows that money matters when it comes to educational outcomes. While KASA acknowledges
that funding is not the only way lawmakers can support successful educational outcomes, adequate
funding is a priority for the 3,400 members that KASA represents.
Growing and Sustaining the Profession
The number of postsecondary students entering the education profession has reduced dramatically, and
the teacher wage gap in Kentucky is second only to Idaho and New Mexico. Further, the mobility of
Kentucky’s population base impacts the ability to recruit and retain employees for public school districts.
Early Childhood Education
Only 51 percent of Kentucky’s public and private school children arrive at the schoolhouse doors
prepared to learn – unless they have had access to quality early learning centers. Nearly 70 percent of
students attending early learning childhood centers arrive at school ready to absorb grade-level content.
Advocacy for the Welfare of Leaders and Learners
KASA is committed to fostering civility and respect in the education community. Our 3,400 members
from border to border have said that promoting these is critical to ensuring lifelong learning
communities that grow together. In addition, the following provisions are critical to ensuring the best
services to students for the remainder of the school year.
KASA's Guidelines for Taking Positions on Legislation or Policy Statements
KASA will consider taking a position on legislation or making a policy statement on issues that are relevant to its vision and mission. In making that determination, the following questions will be considered:
- Will the legislation support KASA’s vision and mission?
- Will it improve the quality and success of our school systems and their students or promote the development of a skilled, educated and healthy workforce?
- Have the expected fiscal impact of the legislation and current economic environment been appropriately considered?
- Will it divert public dollars to be used for private purposes?
- Is it supported in research to be effective for schools and children?
- Will it create less paperwork and/or requirements for schools?
- Will the support of KASA likely make a difference to the outcome?
- Does the issue impact a large number of our members, their schools and Kentucky’s children?
- Will taking a position create a significant conflict among members or other common education organizations?
- Will the legislation disproportionately impact learners and leaders of color?