Kentucky Women in Education Leadership

 Professional Network  | CEO Network | Directory  | Application | Forum  


KWEL Professional Network

Are you a female administrator looking to become part of a state-wide initiative? Do you need like-minded individuals in your corner to help you move to the next administrative level? If so, the Kentucky Women in Education Leadership (KWEL) is for you!  Membership in KWEL provides you one-on-one mentoring with a practitioner, resume review, job coaching, and on-going leadership support through webinars and the annual forum.  

The network includes the following services: 

  1. Exclusive online community for networking
  2. Annual Forum - January 22-23, 2025
  3. EILA credit for the forum and webinars
  4. Networking social for those arriving at the forum site the evening before the forum 
  5. 1:1 mentor support system February through December for incoming cohort members
  6. Virtual webinars in January, March, May, September, November
    (5 EILA credit hours)
  7. Contract negotiation strategies
  8. Situational coaching support
  9. Resume and interview support and coaching
  10. Exclusive events throughout the year at KASA's annual
    leadership institute
Cost for the Professional Network:
  • $499 (Cohorts 1-7)

    Additional Information
    Annual Forum - January 22-23, 2025
    As part of the network, you are automatically registered for the forum. A confirmation will be mailed to you once you complete the KWEL network registration.

    Cancellation Policy
    The KWEL Professional Network is a 12-month program that includes the Annual Forum (January 24-25), 1:1 mentor support, webinars, contract negotiation strategies, situational coaching support, resume review support, interview prepping and coaching, and an exclusive online community for networking. Because these activities are spread over a one-year period, there is no option for cancellation and refund.

    Need Assistance? Call the KASA office at (502) 875-3411

     General Information  Kathy Fields, Ed.D.
     Application Support  Taylor McCane            
     Online Registration  Lisa Ducker
     CEO Network  Rhonda Caldwell, CAE, Ed.D.
     Partners & Sponsors  Wanda Darland, Amy Moore

The Latest News  

Applications are Live for KWEL
Apply now to be a part of the 2025 Cohort of KWEL. Look forward to connecting with like-minded ladies across the state of Kentucky, have one-on-one mentorship, resume help and more. 
Learn more here

Early Registration for the Annual Forum is Live!

Calling all KWEL sisters…
Start 2025 with a great leadership experience by attending the Kentucky Women in Education Leadership Forum, Crown Hotel, Louisville KY. Come hear keynote speaker Dr. Jill Siler, welcome members of cohort 8, and catch up on networking with all your KWEL colleagues. The KWEL 2025 Forum is sure to be one of the highlights of your year. 
Learn more here


Key Dates for Your Calendar
July 24-26        Reception & Information 
                          Sessions at Annual
                          Leadership Institute

Jan. 21             Cohort 8 Orientation

Jan. 22-23        Annual Forum

To create and maintain a community of professional female educational leaders by promoting knowledge, competence, exemplary quality, equity and self-confidence through personal leadership growth, mentorship, and support in career advancement. Learn more