Officer Nominations
Download Application and Guidelines
(Microsoft Word Document)
Positions Open for Nomination: 
A. President-elect    
B. Vice President

Nomination Process

If you are interested in serving as an officer of KASA, please review the Officer Nomination Guidelines prior to completing the nomination form. If additional information is needed, please contact KASA’s Chief Executive Director Rhonda Caldwell at (800) 928-KASA or via email.

Current Officers pictured from left to right:
President Nick Carter, Ed.D.,
KASA Chief Executive Officer Rhonda Caldwell, CAE, Ed.D.,
Immediate Past President Contessa Orr,
Vice President April Devine, Ed.D., and
President-Elect Jesse Bacon, Ed.D.

General Information

Serving as an officer
in KASA is an opportunity for school administrators to contribute to the improvement of public education in the commonwealth, to strengthen the education profession, and to enhance their professional and personal growth.

Those who are chosen to serve in a leadership position in the Association should have the confidence, respect, and cooperation of the membership.

Those who accept a leadership position should be fully committed to the Association and to the completion of the responsibilities of the office.

Those who are selected as officer model and promote a spirit of optimism while encouraging and demonstrating a growth mindset expectation for all aspects of the organization.

It is a professional honor to be chosen as an officer in KASA, an honor that is established both by the respect of the membership and by the dedication and performance of the officer.

The KASA Constitution provides for the offices of President, President-elect, Vice President, and Immediate Past President. Each officer is elected for one year, with the offices of Vice President and President-elect open for election each year. After one year of service, the President-elect becomes President, and the President becomes Immediate Past President. View Policy

The responsibilities and the demands for time and involvement increase with each higher office, with the greatest responsibilities upon the President.