Eastern Kentucky was devastated by floods over the summer and as we grew closer to the winter months the need for warm winter wear was rising. When the KASA family works together we all can make a big difference. Thank you to everyone who helped to ensure that warm coats would be one less worry for those impacted by the floods in Eastern Kentucky.

Thank you to everyone who donated:
 American Fidelity  Mercer Co. Schools
 Boone Co. Schools
 Muhlenberg Co. Schools
 Breckinridge Co. Schools  NKASA
 Christian Co. Schools  Nukem Graphics
 DEIB Summit Attendees  Outlaw State of Kind Charitable Fund
 Fayette Co. Schools  Paintsville High School
 Garrard Co. Schools  Pulaski Co. Schools
 Grant Co. Schools  Renaissance
 Hardin Co. Schools  Roof Spec Solutions
 KY Director of Pupil Personnel  Rotary International of Hodgenville
 LaRue Co. Schools  Scott Co. Schools
 Mastery Prep  SonRise Ministry
 McCreary Co. Schools  Multiple Individual Donors
 Menifee Co. Schools