KASA provides an established network of affiliate and regional organizations where you can find support, share ideas, and contribute to the improvement of education and school administration. Get involved with our KASA regional organization and the appropriate affiliate for your role group. Most of the following eleven KASA affiliates may be joined when joining KASA.
KY Association of Elementary School Principals Visit their website >> https://kaespky.org/
KY Association of Psychology in Schools Visit their website >>> https://kapsonline.org/
KY Association of School Business Officials Visit their website >>> https://kasbo.com/
KY Association of School Superintendents Visit their website >>> https://www.kysupts.org/
KY School Counselor Association Visit their Website >>> https://kyschoolcounselor.org/
KY School Public Relations Association Visit their website >>> https://www.kyspra.org/
KY School Nutrition Association Visit their website >>> https://www.kysna.org/
State Agency Children School Administrator Association
KY Directors of Pupil Personnel
An engaging three-day event you won't want to miss.