KASA is Kentucky’s largest and most diverse organization of public school leaders with close to 3200 members from every public school district in Kentucky representing every role and level of school and district leadership, KASA’s advocacy efforts reflect a deep and broad understanding of educational practices and policy in the P-12 context. 

Review the membership categories below of Professional, Premier, Associate, Aspiring, and Emeritus to determine the best membership type to serve your needs.

Call Mary Brown at (800) 928-5272, ext. 107 for 
membership questions or additional information.

Additional information and sample member benefit publications:

Professional Liability Insurance Informational Brochure

Sample InTouch

Sample Ky School Leader Magazine

Sample Electronic News Briefing (ENB)

Sample Capitol Connection


Professional Membership Status:

:  .003 * annual salary per year

Who:  School leader assigned administrative/supervisory duties (school or district level), CTE administrator, KDE employees, university employees who trains teachers/admin; or other state education interest groups, commissions, and councils employee

Benefits:  Click here for a list of benefits

***Lifetime membership available at a rate of .05*annual salary (one-time, lump sum payment)
Premier Membership Status:

:  .005 * annual salary per year

Who:  School leader assigned administrative/supervisory duties (school or district level), CTE administrator, KDE employee, University employee who trains teachers/admin; or other state education interest groups, commissions, and councils employee 

Benefits:  Click here for a list of benefits

***Lifetime membership available at a rate of .08*annual salary (one-time, lump sum payment)

Associate Membership Status:

Dues:  $69

Who:  Teacher, media specialist/librarian, professor, classified school/district employee

Benefits:  Click here for a list of benefits

Aspiring Leader Status:

Dues:  $39

Who:  Educator (as listed in associate level membership) actively pursuing administrative certificate, but not currently holding an administrative position

Benefits:  Click here for a list of benefits

Emeritus Membership Status:

Dues:  $39

Who:  Former active KASA member, now retired and not working in schools or educational agencies

Benefits:  Click here for a list of benefits

Serving Kentucky school leaders since 1969