In 2014, KASA Executive Director Dr. Rhonda Caldwell, began to seek leadership training models and opportunities for KASA members which would meet the unique professional learning needs to increase leadership skills for school and district leaders. Dr. Caldwell found that The Leadership Challenge did that and brought the training to Kentucky and KASA members.

Approaching leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors, The Leadership Challenge framework grew out of rigorous research that first began in 1982 when Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner set out to understand those times when leaders performed at their personal best. They conducted hundreds of interviews and reviewed hundreds of cases studies and survey questionnaires. What emerged were five fundamental practices common to extraordinary leadership achievements. Now known worldwide as the most practical model of leadership development, The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® continues to prove its effectiveness in cultivating and liberating the leadership potential in anyone—at any level, in any organization—who chooses to accept the challenge to lead.

KASA is proud to offer four opportunities to grow your leadership skills through The Leadership Challenge framework centered around the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). The LPI is a 360-degree leadership assessment which enables individuals and organizations to measure their leadership competencies and act on their discoveries. Leaders will gain deep insight into how they see themselves as leaders, how others view them, and what actions they can take to improve their effectiveness.

The Leadership Challenge® State Impact Map
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The Leadership Challenge® Two-Day Workshop

The Leadership Challenge® Workshop is a unique intensive program that consistently receives rave reviews from participants. It has served as a catalyst for profound leadership transformations in organizations of all sizes and in all industries. The program is highly interactive and stimulating. Participants experience and apply The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® through large and small group discussions, individual reflection and workbook planning, case studies from the research of The Leadership Challenge®, experiential activities and application to their own leadership challenges.

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The Challenge Continues

The Challenge Continues is designed for leaders who have completed The Leadership Challenge® two-day workshop and at least one instance of the Leadership Practices Inventory 360® online. 

Throughout the series, expect to dive deeper into each of the practices, expand your knowledge base, learn to apply the LPI® to your own leadership practice, gain insight to the research behind the work, and most importantly how to implement The Leadership Challenge® at your school or district in meaningful and sustainable ways.

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TLC Facilitator Training

The Leadership Challenge® Facilitator Training Workshop is an intensive, hands-on two-day program that will help prepare you to guide others to become more effective leaders and develop champions for leadership development. You’ll immerse yourself in the Leadership Challenge process and develop an implementation strategy to take back to your organization. There will be time to practice facilitating the workshop and get valuable feedback and coaching to improve the effectiveness of your delivery and the outcome for participants. You’ll also dive deep into The Leadership Challenge® Workshop Facilitator’s Guide, including customizable scripts, presentation slides, audio clips and forms, sample agendas, the participant workbook, and more.   

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The Student Leadership Challenge®

The Student Leadership Challenge® is grounded in the same extensive research as the classic Leadership Challenge products and programs that were created by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner for use with adult learners in organizations, executive development, and graduate-level programs around the world. With a unique focus on younger learners, The Student Leadership Challenge® has been consistently proven to liberate the leader in every student or young person—regardless of age and experience. 

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