July 17 - 19, 2019

Mark your calendar for the 51st Annual Leadership Institute! 

Exhibitor Registration


Push Inc. 

Opening Session Keynote
Meet Push Inc. founders Justin Skeesuck and Patrick Gray. In 2014, these two life-long friends tackled the impossible, a 500-mile pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago through Spain, one pushing the other in a wheelchair.  While Patrick, and others, physically pushed Justin the distance, Justin pushed Patrick, mentally and emotionally, beyond fear and insecurity, into a whole new world of joy and freedom.

Overcoming life's challenges requires acknowledging your weaknesses, inviting others into your story, and embracing the fact that you cannot do it all on your own.

Through their opening keynote session on July 17, Justin and Patrick will show attendees no challenge is too great to overcome, but success in the face of adversity is dependent upon your willingness to let others help push you beyond the limitations you believe you possess.

Barry Posner, Ph.D. 

General Session Keynote

Barry Posner is the Michael J. Accolti, S.J. Chair and Professor of Leadership at the Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University, where he served for 12 years as Dean.  

He is the co-author (with Jim Kouzes) of the award-winning and best-selling leadership book The Leadership ChallengeKouzes and Posner’s Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) has been called “the most reliable, up-to-date leadership instrument available today.” The 360-degree online version has been completed by more than three million people. 

Barry is an internationally renowned scholar who has published more than 100 research and practitioner-oriented articles, in such publications as the: Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Relations, Personnel Psychology, and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

KY Education Commissioner 


Dr. Wayne D. Lewis, Jr. is a University of Kentucky professor and most recently served as the executive director of educational programs with the Kentucky Cabinet for Education and Workforce Development before being named commissioner. 

Lewis has more than 15 years of experience in public education, serving professionally in public school districts, higher education institutions and state government. He has served as an adviser to the Kentucky Board of Education, the Education & Workforce Secretary’s Designee on Kentucky’s Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) and chair of Kentucky’s Charter Schools Advisory Council. 

Lodging arrangements
may be made by calling The Galt House hotel at (800) 626-1814 and 
requesting the KASA room block rate of $161 Suite Tower/$141 RIVUE Tower. Room reservations are also available online at https://book.passkey.com/go/KASA19. To receive the KASA discounted rate, make reservations by June 25, 2019.