Opening General Session
Alison Levine

On the Edge: The Art of High-Impact Leadership
Imagine yourself on the highest mountain in the world. You must deal with the physiological effects of extreme altitude—along with bone-chilling temperatures, battering winds, and a climbing team that's counting on all its members to make smart decisions. There is NO room for poor judgment—one mistake or misstep can result in an "unrecoverable error."

In any situation where lives are on the line, or the stakes are exceptionally high—there's no better training ground for school leaders than settings where people are pushed beyond their perceived limits. Drawing on her experience as team captain of the first American Women's Everest Expedition, Alison Levine makes a compelling case that the leadership principles that apply in the world of extreme adventure also apply to today's school and classroom environments.

Learn more about Alison Levine here.


Second General Session
Horacio Sanchez

The Neuroscience of Establishing a Resilient School Culture
Self-regulation is the ability to control one’s behavior to achieve established goals. Without the skill to self-regulate, students will succumb to the whim of every thought, distraction, emotion, and desire. The lack of self-regulation is the root of many behavioral and academic issues education faces today. The development of self-control enables students to transcend life’s obstacles and engage in new skills that promote educational success. Learn the key strategies identified by neuroscience to increase student self-regulation and success.

Areas Covered in the Keynote:

  • Keys to improving school climate
  • Promoting a positive social culture
  • Motivating the unmotivated student
  • Building skills that improve behaviors and academic performance

Learn more about Horacio Sanchez here

Closing General Session

Robbie Fletcher, Ed.D.
As we close out the 56th annual leadership institute, we continue our tradition of hosting Kentucky’s Commissioner of Education. Dr. Robbie Fletcher, Lawrence Co. superintendent, will have been on the job since July 1. He joins us as our closing keynote speaker to inspire and encourage us as we set our sights on the new school year and the opportunity to impact every single student in Kentucky.