Accepting Nominations for KASA Leadership Awards

What do these school districts have in common: Metcalfe County, Lee County, Clark County, LaRue County, Beechwood Independent? They all have staff who were recipients of a 2020 Leadership Award!

Could your district be listed next year? Be sure to nominate one of your colleagues for a KASA Leadership Award. By doing so, you help us recognize Kentucky’s outstanding school administrators and support staff for the commitment and passion they exude. With the help of our partner, American Fidelity, we seek to honor the very best in education for the visionary and exemplary manner in which they perform their jobs each day. They have devoted their lives to educating Kentucky’s children and they deserve our thunderous applause.

Awards to be presented:

Distinguished Service Award
Presented to an individual who is retired (or will retire with the close of the current school year), and has exhibited exemplary education leadership ability and brought honor to his or her colleagues, the profession, and KASA.
Nomination Deadline: April 30, 2021

Administrator of the Year Award
Recognizes one building level and one district level school administrator who has made outstanding educational contributions in Kentucky’s public schools through exceptional leadership and service to the association.  
Nomination Deadline: April 30, 2021

Office Professional Award
This award is presented to an office professional who has contributed significantly to the efforts of a school or district administrative team. The award recipient will be recognized during Office Professionals Week and receive a $500 gift.
Nomination Deadline: March 15, 2021 

Fred Award
Inspired by well-known author Mark Sanborn, the award is named in honor of Fred Shea, the subject of Sanborn’s national bestseller, The Fred Factor. The award seeks to honor an individual who exudes a Fred-like spirit of service, innovation, and commitment to others, positively influencing and impacting the lives of those in the school community.
Nomination Deadline: March 15, 2021

Post COVID-19 Syndrome: The Next Big Conversation after the Vaccine

As the vaccine makes it way into the arms of more and more Kentuckians and we return to in-person school, our focus shifts beyond reporting of infection and mortality rates to supporting students and staff through COVID-19 Syndrome. What does it mean and how will it impact school? How should educators respond?

This 15-minute presentation is led by Dr. Dewey Cornell, forensic clinical psychologist and Professor of Education at the University of Virginia. The recording is available here. Special thanks to Bill Reynolds of Navigate 360 for making this session possible.

Education Law and Finance Institute

Registration is open for KASA’s Education Law & Finance Institute set for March 4-5 in Louisville. This two-day institute will deepen knowledge and improve practice among school administrators and their teams in implementing legal and financial decisions in the learning environment they lead. From personnel matters to performance management techniques, some of the state's and nation's top education law and finance experts will cover the spectrum of school law and finance. Additionally, there will be sessions offered in the areas of human resources, policy, and school safety. There will truly be something for everyone!

For more information and registration click here.

Larry Bell and Equity

KASA salutes Larry Bell for his role during Fall/Winter regional meetings. Larry provided insight to attendees on ways to create welcoming schools for all students, especially students of color. “Many well-meaning administrators are losing the trust and support of students and community members every day because they do not realize the impact their actions, and especially their lack of actions, have on students of color” says Mr. Bell. Continue reading to learn about these actions needed.

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